The Jerusalem Cross is an ancient Christian symbol that represents the 5 wounds of Christ, Christ and the 4 corners of the world, and Christ and the 4 evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Wear a statement piece that tells a story or starts a conversation!
Here are some more Jerusalem Cross pieces that you might like.

Quality matters! All Susan Shaw jewelry is either 24Kt handcast gold plated or handcast sterling silver plated. Handcasting is a plating method done by hand. This method produces the most consistent and highest quality plating possible and is far superior to standard machine plating. Their pieces are handcast with three coats of 24Kt gold or sterling silver. All items are plated over a lead-free, nickel-free base metal.
None of Susan Shaw’s jewelry is made using plastic pieces. All items are comprised of genuine freshwater pearls or semi-precious stones, including genuine turquoise, quartz, coral, onyx, and agate. Their cotton pearl collection is unique and unlike genuine pearls. A cotton pearl contains a tightly wound inner-layer of cotton with a paper-maché-like outer layer. They are extremely light weight, giving you the benefit of bigger pearls without the bulky weight.
Shopping and ordering is a breeze! We have many pieces in our collection at the moment, but we can order any of these pieces for you very easily. Simply call, message, or email me.
Gretchen Ruvo Designs LLC
2630 Harrison Pike
Cleveland, TN 37311